Localised Consumer Trends Report for Twitter Indonesia

Industry: Adtech, marketingtech & social media

Scope: Editorial & Insights

Content type: Annual trends report for marketers

The brief

To eloquently translate information into insights while ensuring the report is in the distinct Twitter voice and tone, is memorable, audience-first, and most importantly, feels highly local to Indonesian readers. This report is geared for savvy marketers, but needs to be accessible to a wide range of readers, including internal stakeholders.

Key contributions

- Distill raw information to surface key insights and sense check for accuracy
- Craft report with a narrative and language that appeals to savvy marketers - a tough audience!
- Balance between technical information and relatability for non-technical readers
- Work closely with the design team to ensure acuity of the charts and visuals


Case Studies: Twitter SEA


Social & Comms Editor: Transcelestial